For example:
- A content entity called tattoo_liking is created using the content_entity module
- id
- user_liking
- tattoo_liked,
- created
If you create a view that lists users, you won't be able to automatically add a relationship to the tattoo_liking table based on user_liking. You will instead need to follow the solutions provided here
Specifically, I needed to use this in a custom module:
function tattoo_liking_views_data_alter(&$data) {
if (!Drupal::database()->schema()->tableExists('tattoo_like')) {
Drupal::logger('tattoo_liking')->warning(t('Table "tattoo_like" didn\'t exist while attempting to present views information about tattoo_like entity. Views will not be able to interact properly with tattoo likes.'));
// Add a possible relationship between tattoo_like.user_liking and users.uid.
$data['users']['users_to_tattoo_like'] = [
'title' => t('User liking a tattoo'),
'help' => t('Relate users to the user that liked a tattoo'),
'relationship' => [
'base' => 'tattoo_like',
'base field' => 'user_liking',
'field' => 'uid',
// ID of relationship handler plugin to use, NOT an id of some table or field.
'id' => 'standard',
'label' => t('User liking a tattoo')
This only runs on cache rebuilds, and tells views that it can provide a relationship as described before the code block.
If you are looking to integrate entities that were created by a custom module with views, see this documentation page instead: